Wednesday, June 5, 2013

MTG history in the Philippines

1993, the year of science achievements, economic growth, and innovations, paved the way for Richard Garfield to create the best Trading-Gaming Card that has conquered the world.

It was introduced here in the Philippines around 1994 or so. I was a senior year high school (1998) when my friends and I got hooked up with this game - but it was just for mere fun. 

But oh man, things got sophisticated and serious when the local magic community grew...!!!

The game contagiously spread like virus in schools and work places. 

Magic shops sprouted like mushrooms on busy streets and malls, hundreds of players from all over the Philippines converged at special hub events. Competitiveness became known to many and some had been Pros eventually.
Behold, the roots of Pinoy Magic players had been conceived.

Magic: The Gathering indeed marked a story in the Philippine history.
However....just like other stories of reign and success, it came to a point of exhaustion.

The magic population noticeably dwindled sometime in year 2009 or so and. Numerous tales were told as to how it had happened. Some say wizards wasn’t wise enough to create worth-it sets, others say it’s the local distributor, then there’s the sky high prices and smackers, yada, yada, yada… 

So, my teammates and I thought of doing something to help revive the lost luster of our community. And what would be the best thing to do but to put our words into action?

So we’ve created this Blog. 

As the name suggest, this is for us Filipinos. And what would be the best way to communicate but to speak on our vernacular?! Oo naman, pwede po mag tagalog! Grabe, nose bleed na ako kanina pa ha! hahaha

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